Tag: luna.co.uk
Small Update on luna.co.uk
Request for Fundamentals A piece of feedback I’ve already received has been a request to provide some basic introductions to various topics around identity that I’ll mention throughout this site. For example, the wallet-based credentials issuer/holder/verifier model, two-factor authentication (2FA) and multi-factor authentication (MFA), and some standards such as OAuth2 and OIDC. I hope to…
The Neverending Task of Finding my (Writer’s) Voice
You may notice as you read the various articles on this site that some of them are written in a different voice to the others. Take the comparison of my piece about my experience at IIW, and my writing about the potential for wallet-based credentials to change how gamers interact. Generally, I’ll try to write…
What’s the new Purpose of luna.co.uk?
For me (David Luna, hi!) to write about topics that interest me. In general these will be related to digital identity – some of the challenges I see, insights I’ve gained, and opportunities that lie ahead of us. Some of the thoughts will be fanciful. Potentially some may go into some technical depth, though in…